Can Tea Drink Improve Health?

With increasing awareness, the benefits of this habit can be demonstrated scientifically by numerous studies and tea is gradually becoming a popular ingredient. Studies indicate for example that drinking tea lowers risk as much as 20 percent of cardiovascular disease. This large decrease is due to the antioxidants in tea that lower cholesterol improving heart health.

A research conducted by the American Heart Association showed that people who drank at least three cups of tea a day had a 30% less likely to suffer from heart attack. This is a significant statistic showing the effectiveness of tea for heart health. In addition, the catechins and flavonoids of tea – an important class of polyphenols – help prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing as part of a protective mechanism against heart disease.

Green tea is great for your heart, but the advantages go even further. A review published in the European Journal of Nutrition noted that regular consumption tea is good as it could cut the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by up to 15%. This further reiterates the power of tea to keep a tab on our blood glucose level making it an important inclusion in every diabetes diet.

Green tea especially has been found to help manage weight. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials showed that catechins highly increased metabolic rate by 4 %, which equal to an average weight loss difference compared with placebo group in the amount of -1.3kg after taking supplements between eight and twelve weeks (Diepvens et al. At least part of this effect is attributed to caffeine and the amino acid L-theanine that act synergistically to increase fat oxidation and energy expenditure.

The benefits and the improvement of mental health are also contributed by tea. The Journal of Clinical Psychology indicates in a study that participants who regularly drank tea claimed to experience few symptoms with their depression and anxiety, by 37%. This soothing influence is thought to be down to the relaxing effects of L-theanine and life-changing properties of tea’s common substances.

A National Cancer Institute study discovered that those who drank tea were 16 percent less likely to suffer from certain cancers, like breast and prostate cancer. The abundant antioxidants in tea act to scavenge free radicals, as well as inhibit tumor growth thereby demonstrating a cancer prevention effect.

Tea, especially green tea has long been among the healthiest beverage for humans. In Japan, a country where tea consumption is high, research showed that regular green tea drinkers had 26% less risk of death from all causes (11). Along, while consuming tea its a welcome news for health buffs to know that they are likely to live longer and healthier as this impressive statistic clearly shows how drinking even in the practicable scale one outlives by 5.6 years than usual lifestyle followers without knowing witnessing any disease or malfunctioning on their bodies.

Not only such form of teas have been appreciated famous people around the world due to their health benefits. One of Edison’s famous quotes is “Tea is a savory divine cure for sore minds.” There are not much news in this case as tea is said to have existed since centuries and billions of people across cultures believe that it extends some kind therapeutic effects.

There is plenty research backed evidence on health benefits of tea drinking making one the easiest yet effective ways to improve health. From decreasing the chance of long-term diseases, helping in weight regulation or even improving metal-well being -tea has it all covered. Find out more about the tea drinks at Tea Drink.

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